Endocrinology mcqs with answers part 1

Endocrinology is the study of hormones. Hormones are chemical messengers in the body which regulate many different functions. We now started a series of solved Endocrinology mcqs in this blog. This is going to be the first part of the series in this section.

1. Hormones are ?

ANSWER= (C) Both A and B

2. Peptides are ?

ANSWER= (B) Hydrophilic

3. Peptide Hormones effect require receptors ________ of the cell?

ANSWER= (A) Outside

4. Steroid Hormones effect require receptors ________ of the cell?

ANSWER= (B) Inside

5. Which hormones can easily pass through the lipid bilayer?

ANSWER= (B) Steroids

6. FSH is?

ANSWER= (A) Peptid

7. Cortisol is?

ANSWER= (B) Steroid

8. Steroid hormone family chemically derived from?

ANSWER= (C) Both A and B

9. Pancreatic exocrine cells produce?

ANSWER= (A) Digestive juices

10. Which hormone encourages sleep?

ANSWER= (D) Melatonin

11. which hormone functions in maintenance of circadian rhythem in body?

ANSWER= (D) Pineal gland

12. Which is not a function of hypothalamus?

ANSWER= (D) Secrete ACTH

13. Posterior part of Pituitary gland stores?

ANSWER= (D) Both A and B

14. Cells which produce hormones in Pancrease are called?

ANSWER= (D) Islets of Langerhans

15. Endocrine system hormones are regulated mainly by?

ANSWER= (D) Negative feedback mechanism