MCQs on Animal Diversity Part 1 |
1) Crabs and shrimps belong to the class?
a) Arachnida
b) Chilopda
c) Dilopoda
d) Crustacea
2) Arachnids have _____ pairs of legs?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 8
3) Centioedes carry out respiration through?
a) Lungs
b) Simple trachral system
c) Book lungs
d) Branched tracheal system
4) Millipedes are?
a) Herbivorous
b) Carnivorous
c) Omnivorous
d) None of these
5) Pulmonary artery in mammals carries blood?
a) Oxygenated
b) Deoxygenated
c) Both a and b
d) None of these
6) Pinccocytes are present in?
a) Mollusca
b) Arthropoda
c) Porifera
d) Platyhelminthes
7) Gill slits in Amphioxus are present in?
a) Head
b) Pharynx
c) Mouth
d) Neck
8) The function of Malphigean tubules in cockroach is?
a) Digestion
b) Osmoregulation
c) Respiration
d) Excretion
9) Radula is not found in?
a) Aplacophora
b) Scaphopoda
c) Bivalvia
d) Cephalopoda
10) Locomotory organ of starfish is?
a) Stone canal
b) Ampullae
c) Podia
d) Polian vesicles
11) Phylum Ctenophora is also called as?
a) Sea anemone
b) Sea star
c) Swimming bells
d) Sea combs
12) Bipinnaria larva is found in the development of which organism?
a) Starfish
b) sea cucumber
c) Sea star
d) Sea lily
13) Mode of nutrition in Ascaris is?
a) Saprozoic
b) Saprophytic
c) Holozoic
d) Holophytic
14) Most primitive arthropods belong to the Class?
a) Crustacea
b) Insecta
c) Arachnida
d) Peripatus
15) Which of the following belongs to Chordata?
a) Globe fish
b) Cray fish
c) Cuttle fish
d) Devil fish
1-d |
2-b |
3-d |
4-a |
5-b |
6-c |
7-b |
8-d |
9-c |
10-c |
11-d |
12-a |
13-a |
14-c |
15-a |